Molder - Catastrophic Reconfiguration
Molder - Catastrophic Reconfiguration
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Molder - Catastrophic Reconfiguration

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On Catastrophic Reconfiguration, this IL death metal outfit coughs up spores from mycetozoic muck, Molder exhume ten tracks from very recent, very shallow burials in a graveyard that’s been filled to the brim for thirty years. It’s not slick but slicked, damn near dripping with plasmodial ooze that obliviously recycles its carbon with a charmingly contented stupidity.

If Molder’s sophomore album, Engrossed in Decay was obsessed with decomposition, Catastrophic Reconfiguration, the Joliet, IL Death Metal outfit’s new album, won't have you questioning its content. Band vocalist and guitarist Aaren Pantke leads the group’s resuscitation into 2024 with a reinvigorated approach to writing, recording and playing live, paving the way for the album’s release on November 8th.

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