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Dawn of Ouroboros "Bioluminescence" CD

Dawn of Ouroboros "Bioluminescence" CD

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DAWN OF OUROBOROS are preparing to release their second album under the Prosthetic Records banner in early 2025. The four-piece from Oakland, California built up considerable momentum on the back of their sophomore album, Velvet Incandescence, which arrived in April 2023. Returning with Bioluminescence, the new year heralds a new chapter for the band.

Creatively spearheaded by guitarist Tony Thomas (also of Botanist) and vocalist Chelsea Murphy, DAWN OF OUROBOROS conjures up an atmospheric blend of black and death metal. Whilst Chelsea’s distinctive vocals both scathe and soothe, there is a vicious underpinning of progressive and propulsive extremity that unites their sound into something cohesive and alluring. An abyssal, claustrophobic thread runs through to the sound of the album itself - expanding and contracting as the songs undulate and pulsate. Dawn of Ouroboros are illuminating the path forward as they approach the release of Bioluminescence. Once again they find themselves with much to celebrate as an even brighter future beckons.

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