DeathCollector "Death's Toll" CD

DeathCollector "Death's Toll" CD

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DeathCollector started as a way of filling time during Covid lockdowns. Guitarist Mick Carey (Zealot Cult/Brigante) and drummer Andy Whale (Bolt Thrower/Darkened) kept busy working on classic & current metal covers with friends, which were shared across social media. After deciding to work on original material, vocalist Kieran Scott(Ashen Crown/Grimorte) and bassist Lee Cummings(Severe Lacerations/Bloodshed) came on board and DeathCollector was born.

On the buzz surrounding the debut EP “Times Up”, DeathCollector was signed to Prosthetic Records, and work started on the debut full length album “Death’s Toll” started to take shape

"The idea behind the band is to make honest straight forward music we like,its a mixture of Death Metal/Hardcore and Punk, the later of which has always been at the root of Death Metal music in the UK"

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