In the fall of 2016, Jacob Lee (Hellish Form, PlasticBag FaceMask) and Stephen Muir (Cabin Fire) wanted to form a bleak and abrasive grindcore band with sludge and black metal influences. Inspired by acts such as Trap Them, The Secret, and Rotten Sound, Jacob and Stephen formed Elder Devil as a DIY studio project with Stephen providing vocals and lyrics while Jacob handled music and production. They released their first EP Graves Among the Roots (Medusa Crush Recordings) in 2017 and followed up with the full length The Light Dimmed Eternal (Crown and Throne Ltd./Roman Numeral Records) in 2019. Shortly after, Elder Devil began playing as a full band with good friends Ryan Urquidez (dontcryformeimalreadydead, Cabin Fire) on bass and Pete Ruacho (Amenthes, Nani SS) on drums. Their 2021 EP, Fragments of Hell (PlasticSkull Records/SludgeLord Records), marked their first release as a full lineup.
After cancelling nearly all of their shows from March 2020 through 2021 due to the pandemic, including an 11-day West Coast tour, Elder Devil decided to film a live performance to showcase the full lineup playing songs from every release. Performed in their practice space, filmed by long-time cameraman and friend, Steven Thomas, and recorded and mixed by Jacob, Live in Chinatown serves as a love letter to the Fresno scene and to those who have supported the band over the years. Live In Chinatown can be viewed on the band's YouTube channel, streamed on all platforms, and downloaded for free on their Bandcamp on November 5th.
On signing with Prosthetic, Elder Devil says: "It's both exciting and humbling to be working with a label as prolific as Prosthetic. It's an honor to be among the great bands and alumni from Prosthetic's past and present. We really can't wait for people to hear the songs for our upcoming Prosthetic full length debut."
After cancelling nearly all of their shows from March 2020 through 2021 due to the pandemic, including an 11-day West Coast tour, Elder Devil decided to film a live performance to showcase the full lineup playing songs from every release. Performed in their practice space, filmed by long-time cameraman and friend, Steven Thomas, and recorded and mixed by Jacob, Live in Chinatown serves as a love letter to the Fresno scene and to those who have supported the band over the years. Live In Chinatown can be viewed on the band's YouTube channel, streamed on all platforms, and downloaded for free on their Bandcamp on November 5th.
On signing with Prosthetic, Elder Devil says: "It's both exciting and humbling to be working with a label as prolific as Prosthetic. It's an honor to be among the great bands and alumni from Prosthetic's past and present. We really can't wait for people to hear the songs for our upcoming Prosthetic full length debut."