Fool's Ghost "Dark Woven Light" CD

Fool's Ghost "Dark Woven Light" CD

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Composed of partners Nick Thieneman (Young Widows, Breather Resist) and Amber Thieneman (Liberation Prophecy, Sandpaper Dolls), Fool’s Ghost create loudness of an unholy level, evoking stark landscapes and barren vistas through a crystalline lens. Dark Woven Light challenges the very notion of what heaviness is within music – a gentle exploration of the darkest facets of our individual and collective psyches.

LP Pressing: Limited Edition 1/2 Black, 1/2 Light Blue Vinyl. 100 copies pressed worldwide. <b>SOLD OUT</b>
LP Pressing: Dark Red & Dark Grey Swirl w/ White & Tan Accents. 400 copies pressed worldwide.
CD Pressing: 1000 pressed worldwide

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