Four Stroke Baron "Monoqueen Split EP" CD

Four Stroke Baron "Monoqueen Split EP" CD

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Reno’s Progressive Metallers, Four Stroke Baron, will be releasing Monoqueen on 9/25. It’s a collection of cover songs and re-recordings from their album, King Radio, never before available on LP. Artists being covered range from Post Malone, CHVRCHES, Death Grips, and The Beatles along with Red Rider’s classic rock radio staple, Lunatic Fringe.

LP PRESSING - 300 copies pressed on turquoise vinyl
CD PRESSING - 500 copies pressed in a digipack cd

1. Lunatic Fringe (Red Rider cover)
2. Lungs (CHVRCHES cover)
3. Burning Skies (Tones on Tails cover)
4. Mean Mr. Mustard (The Beatles cover)
5. Why a Bitch Gotta Lie (Death Grips cover)
6. Broken Whiskey Glass (Post Malone cover)
7. Gone (King Radio Pt. 1)
8. Vacant Planet
9. Lowly Argonaut
10. Sleep Flood
11. A Sound of Thunder

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