Hour Of Penance "Sedition" CD

Hour Of Penance "Sedition" CD

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Italy's Hour Of Penance's 2012 studio album, "Sedition." Over the past decade, the band has steadily been making a name for itself as one of the most intense, talented modern death metal band around.
Produced by Stephano Morabito (Fleshgod Apocalypse, Arkaik), "Sedition" is poised to strike and devastate the ears of their loyal disciples of death metal. This is dark and intense death metal at its best!


1. Transubstantiatio
2. Enlightened Submission
3. Decimate The Ancestry of The Only God
4. Fall of The Servants
5. Ascension
6. The Cannibal Gods
7. Sedition Through Scorn
8. Deprave to Redeem
9. Blind Obedience

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