Huntsmen "American Scrap" 12"
Huntsmen "American Scrap" 12"
Huntsmen "American Scrap" 12"
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Huntsmen "American Scrap" 12"
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Huntsmen "American Scrap" 12"

Huntsmen "American Scrap" 12"

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Release Date: February 23, 2018

Much like Dylan, Springsteen and Waits, Chicago’s Americana metal outfit, Huntsmen, continue the long standing tradition of storytelling in their music. Huntsmen just do it with volume higher and more metallic grit.

1. Bury Me Deep
2. Pyre
3. Canary King
4. Interlude A – Shipwrecked
5. Atlantic City
6. Interlude B – Insurrection
7. The Barrens
8. The Last President

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