Judicator "Let There Be Nothing" CD

Judicator "Let There Be Nothing" CD

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Judicator is a revelation in the American power metal scene, gathering influences of raging Teutonic power metal and classic heavy metal under an unmistakable melodic identity. Comprising eight tracks of complex and refreshingly dynamic songwriting, Let There Be Nothing is an unforgettable historical epic, commanding attention through white-knuckle storytelling and a pervasive, melancholic atmosphere.

LP Pressing, part of the first pressing, 250 copies made worldwide.
CD Pressing, first pressing, 1000 copies made worldwide.

1. Let There Be Light
2. Tomorrow’s Sun
3. Strange to the World
4. Autumn of Souls
5. Gloria
6. Amber Dusk
7. The Way of a Pilgrim
8. Let There Be Nothing

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