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Marty Friedman "Future Addict" CD

Marty Friedman "Future Addict" CD

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Release Date: August 14, 2012

An opportunity to introduce Friedman's musical history to the many people in mainstream Japan who
knew him only from television, this album was released in Japan in 2008. Not content to just re-release the original versions of his prior work, this album features completely re-worked, reconstructed and re-made versions of songs from Friedman's past, from his first bands Deuce and Hawaii to Cacophony and Megadeth. Four solo originals are also included. Features guest spots by Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David Lee Roth), Jeremy Colson (Steve Vai, Billy Idol) and ex-Nevermore guitarist Jeff Loomis.

1. Barbie 1:00
2. Simple Mystery 3:44
3. Tornado of Souls 5:23
4. Burn The Ground 4:26
5. Where My Fortune Lies 4:45
6. Breadline 3:53
7. The Pit and the Pendulum 5:18
8. The Killing Road 4:21
9. Static Rain 2:48
10. Secret of the Stars 4:11
11. Massive 2:59
12. Tears of an Angel 5:16

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