Marty Friedman "Loudspeaker" CD

Marty Friedman "Loudspeaker" CD

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Release Date: August 14, 2012

Originally released in Japan in 2006 (where it cracked the Top 20) and by Shrapnel in the U.S. in 2007,
the album features guest performances by Steve Vai, John Petrucci (Dream Theater), Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David
Lee Roth), Jeremy Colson (Steve Vai, Billy Idol) and Jens Johansson (Stratovarius, Yngwie Malmsteen).

1. Elixir 4:35
2. Street Demon 3:30
3. Black Orchid 4:31
4. Paradise Express 4:47
5. Sekai Ni Hitotsudake No Hana 4:16
6. Glycerine Flesh 5:15
7. Stigmata Addiction 7:07
8. Viper 3:05
9. Static Rain 2:51
10. Coloreas Mi Vida 3:13
11. Devil Take Tomorrow 3:59

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