The Ditch And The Delta "Hives In Decline" CD

The Ditch And The Delta "Hives In Decline" CD

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Release Date: September 8, 2017

The Ditch and the Delta formed out of three friends of nearly 15 years. While Elliot Secrist (guitar/vocals), and Charles Bogus (Drums), have played in bands off an on over that span of time, it was the addition of Kory Quist (Bass/vocals) that solidified the band and their sound. The band is often lumped in the doom category but their sound is most often described as sludgy math rock, “Neurosis as a stripped down, noise rock outfit” ( The sound is huge an oppressively heavy. According to the sound is an amalgam of Doom, noise, and progressive metal; comparing the band to The Melvins, Eyehategod, Intronaut, Fugazi and Godflesh in the same review.

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