Thotcrime "D1G1T4L_DR1FT" CD

Thotcrime "D1G1T4L_DR1FT" CD

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Following their recent addition to the Prosthetic Records roster, multinational cybergrind quartet THOTCRIME are set to release their sophomore full length, titled D1G1T4L_DR1FT. With members hailing from Champaign-Urbana, IL, Philadelphia, PA and Nottingham, UK THOTCRIME’s prolific output to date has seen the band generate a buzz in online music communities and garner praise from Bandcamp Daily in the publication’s profile on the burgeoning cybergrind movement at large. D1G1T14L_DR1FT, the follow up to 2020s ønyøurcømputer, sees THOTCRIME continue to gleefully abandon genre convention in favour of boundless individuality and invention. Prosthetic debut LP from cybergrind curators/digital girls on your computer, THOTCRIME. D1G1T4L_DR1FT features collaborations with Pupil Slicer, Callous Daoboys, Dreamwell & Diana Gruber.

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