Venom Prison "Primeval" CD

Venom Prison "Primeval" CD

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Featuring re-recordings of their debut EPs plus 2 brand new tracks, Primeval harks back to the force that underpinned the band’s momentum as well as demonstrates the thirst that Venom Prison possess to continue their unprecedented growth during turbulent times.

500 Turquoise and Light Pink Splatter LPs pressed worldwide - SOLD OUT
1500 CDs in digipack pressed worldwide.

Primeval tracklisting:
1. Usurper of the Throne
2. Life Suffer
3. Mortal Abomination
4. Path of Exile
5. Defy the Tyrant
6. Babylon the Whore
7. Daemon Vulgaris
8. Narcotic
9. The Primal Chaos
10. Defiant to the Will of God
11. Slayer of Holofernes

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