Vile Creature "Vile Creature - Preservation Rituals (2015 - 2018)" 2xCD

Vile Creature "Vile Creature - Preservation Rituals (2015 - 2018)" 2xCD

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Vile Creature released to full lengths; 2015’s A Steady Decent Into the Soil and the critically acclaimed conceptual album, Cast of Static and Smoke. The EP, A Pessimistic Doomsayer, was released in between and for the first time, all these recordings have been made available on CD on the 2-disc set, Preservation Rituals (2015-2018). Housed in a double, spot varnished digipack along with a lyric and story book, this collection is limited to 1000 copies worldwide and has an unreleased audio book version of Cast of Static and Smoke.

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