Wristmeetrazor "Replica of a Strange Love" 12"
Wristmeetrazor "Replica of a Strange Love" 12"
Wristmeetrazor "Replica of a Strange Love" 12"
Wristmeetrazor "Replica of a Strange Love" 12"
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Wristmeetrazor "Replica of a Strange Love" 12"
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Wristmeetrazor "Replica of a Strange Love" 12"

Wristmeetrazor "Replica of a Strange Love" 12"

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Emerging out of the gloom comes Replica of a Strange Love - the new record from Wristmeetrazor. Illuminating the darkest corners of their every nightmare and representing a nihilistic plunge headfirst into an intoxicating mix of death, sin and romance.

Replica of a Strange Love is a modern take on metalcore; building on the foundations of their past to leave a shimmering trail of visceral energy in their wake. The album is introspective one, utilizing the work of Nietzsche, Foucault, LaVey and more to make sense of human reactions and sociological phenomena specific to ongoing events. Hopeless romanticism is the past - personal philosophy is the present.

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